August 11, 2022

What’s Good – August 2022

It's been busy!

Hello friends and colleagues,

We hope your summer is going great! We’re up to a lot of good things here at KDS. We’ve been signing on new clients, creating new content, amplifying our client’s successes, attending professional development workshops, and exploring all-staff DEAI training. In fact, we are so busy, we are issuing a call for talent, which you can find here: KDS Call for Talent.

On this website you can read about what we bring to the table for our clients, what sets us apart, and our ever-growing list of clients and partners. We bring considerable expertise to all of the services we offer.

Have a project in mind you want to run by us? Email

Here is some of the content we have published recently, and there’s more to come!

As always, I’m just a phone call or an email away,




Prefer a PDF of our Newsletter? Click here: Newsletter August 2022