September 08, 2020

Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants

“For the past 6 years, we have entrusted KDS with the renewal applications for our US Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Refugee Resettlement contract, our US Department of Justice/Office for Victims of Crime contract, and State of CT VOCA contract. These grants are vital as they support CIRI’s services for foreign-born victims of trafficking, domestic and sexual violence, and survivors of state-sponsored torture. Working with Christina gives us the peace of mind that this critical funding will be there year after year for our clients so they may heal from trauma, achieve economic self-sufficiency and thrive in the United States. We have also worked with her to design and secure funding for expanded case management services – her process for proposal planning has inspired our staff to think creatively about how we design and deliver programming. Funding secured in partnership with KDS totals over $2.5 million and has created hope and healing for over 700 survivors.”

– Susan Schnitzer, President & CEO, Connecticut Institute for Immigrants and Refugees, Bridgeport, CT.