September 11, 2020

St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation

St. Vincent’s Medical Center Foundation is KDS’s longest-standing client. Since 2010, we have proudly partnered with them to support the work of St. Vincent’s Medical Center, an essential community institution in Bridgeport. Dating back to the late 1890’s, SVMC has been on the frontlines of combating health disparities. When European immigrants and African Americans found themselves discriminated against by other area hospitals who would not treat them, local Catholic physicians and the Daughters of Charity came together to create that access. Today, as part of the Hartford Health Care network, SVMC continues this legacy as a leader in community-focused health care and reducing health disparities.

Together, SVMC and KDS have secured critical private and public funding to support medical services, community health improvement and healthy equity initiatives, infrastructure projects, and its school of nursing. Grant funding has been utilized to provide free breast health exams and mammograms, supported the dispensing of free medications for uninsured people to control chronic diseases, expanded the hospital’s community health outreach capacity, increased access to fresh fruits and vegetables through the Produce Prescription Program, and promoted health and wellness for its frontline healthcare staff.

KDS is excited to continue our partnership into 2022 with HHC-St. Vincent’s Medical Center.